FeedWatch 9.0 Release Notes

Tulare, CA


Now have the power to manage FeedWatch, anytime, anywhere, from your phone or tablet. Change dry matter percentage, adjust pen counts, do bunk scoring, review reports and even send export to the Mixers at the touch of your finger!

Web Updating

FeedWatch will periodically check if new updates are available. If so the program will alert you as a notification.

Inventory Transaction Tab

On the Ingredient screen this tab will show you a ledger of all transactions of the selected ingredient. All ins and outs with the resulting running total balance is shown. It can also be filtered for a specific date range.

Usage Visibility

The system will now show you what Recipes each ingredient is used in as well as the system will show what pens each recipe is assigned to.

(Ingredient Screen showing what Recipes this ingredient is used in)

(Recipe screen showing what feedings this recipe is assigned to)


  • Report Generation – Optimized the time it takes for the report to open using the Fixed reports under the Report Section. We have also sped up many of the existing reports.
  • Service Screen – Redesigned the service to give better awareness at a glance. We’ve color-coded the status, Green is good, Red is bad. We’ve also added the ability to know which load each mixer is currently mixing.
  • Library Reports – We have expanded the number of available reports. You’ll find the new reports under the Reports>Library Reports.
  • Improved Communication – Optimized the method of communication between the Desktop and Mixer. We’ve also added the ability to speed up the communication speed if mixing equipment has a Mobile Demand or Touch2 tablet.
  • Improved Automated Task Handling – We’ve improved the functionality of the task handler to retry failed tasks at the start of each day. If it fails for consecutive days, then it will auto-disable it.
  • Reconciliation of On-Hand Quantity – We’ve improved the ability for a user to physically calculate the on-hand inventory level of feed. This will update the current on-hand inventory level.
  • Improved Inventory Management – We made several performance and functionality improvements. We’ve also simplified workflow that will help speed up data entry which will increase accuracy.
  • Layout Lock – Now layouts are locked. Now simply click the “Customize Layouts” to adjust.
  • Updated Logo and Graphics – We have updated the logos to reflect our new Brand.

Other FeedComp Updates

  • New pen range filter added to the bunk scoring page
  • Modified the status bar to remain fixed on the screen when scrolling the page
  • Added a + / – feature for making PEN COUNT modifications. This allows for modifications to be made faster by the user as the pen counts will be incremented by a pre-set quantity. It also eliminates the need to type in the desired quantity manually.
  • Added a + / – feature for making TARGET DM/HD modifications. This allows for modifications to be made faster by the user as the target DM/ HD number will be incremented by a pre-set quantity. It also eliminates the need to type in the desired quantity manually.